Headshot of Mr Kota Shimizu
クレ・ド・ポー ボーテ  グローバルブランドユニット 株式会社資生堂 (Shiseido Company, Limited)

Kota Shimizu

2023年に株式会社資生堂 クレ・ド・ポー ボーテ グローバルブランドユニットに入社、デジタル戦略の立案から実行までを担当すると共に、部内のDX推進に取り組む。


Mr. Kota Shimizu joined the Global Brand Unit of Shiseido Clé de Peau Beauté Co., Ltd in 2023, where he is in charge of digital strategy planning and execution, as well as DX promotion within the department. Currently, he is located in the Brand Strategy Group within the same unit, where he is engaged not only in DX promotion but also in strengthening marketing using digital technology.

Mr Kota Shimizu will present on the utilization of assets and global governance using DAM at Acquia Engage Tokyo 2024.