Drupal 10

The most powerful open source CMS just got stronger. Drupal 10 is the latest and greatest version of Drupal.

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Drupal 10 Graphic
Drupal 10 Features

Get to Know the tenth Version of Drupal

Drupal graphics on a variety of screens
Drupal interface with pink and blue acquia droplets
Drupal interface with pink and blue acquia droplets
Before and after theme diagram surrounded by blue and pink acquia droplets
Drupal graphics on a variety of screens
Olivero front end

The old Bartik theme has been replaced by the sleek, modern Olivero theme. This theme is gorgeous right out of the box.

Drupal interface with pink and blue acquia droplets
Claro back end

Claro is the modernized back end that will replace the 2009-designed Seven theme.

Drupal interface with pink and blue acquia droplets
CKEditor 5

CKEditor 4 will reach its end of life in 2023, so Drupal 10 is moving to CKEditor 5. On the front end, it’s a greatly refined content editing experience.

Before and after theme diagram surrounded by blue and pink acquia droplets
Starterkit theme generator

With Starterkit in Drupal 10, you create a fork from a compatible theme and work on your copy from there.

Picture of someone coding on a laptop in an acquia droplet mask

Benefits of Drupal


  • Open Source Community and Code

  • Flexible Architecture for Modern Application Development

  • Marketer-Friendly CMS

  • Extensive Integrations

  • Scalable and Performant

  • Highly Secure

Get Started, Faster.

Acquia CMS with Drupal

A starter-kit for Drupal with enhanced capabilities exclusive to and maintained by Acquia. The only enterprise content management system to offer high-code, low-code, or no-code assembly. A true hybrid CMS that offers features for both marketers and developers alike.

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Screenshots of Acquia CMS
woman looking over a list masked in an acquia droplet

Check List to Upgrade to D10

While Drupal 10 is the easiest Drupal version upgrade than ever before, there are a few steps to do before you upgrade. Simple steps, like running a code deprecation scan or performing a site back-up. Others are more complex, like upgrading to PHP 8.1 or to Drush 11. Good news is all the steps are outlined on our developer portal, that provides you with a check list of items to complete before your D10 upgrade!

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