
Accessibility Adherence In Higher Ed: Working with multiple content creators

What's Covered?

  • Strategies for managing accessibility and governance when multiple units and hundreds of editors are creating content. 
  • Understanding why accessibility is an ongoing process and why experts are cautious about tools or vendors that promise instant compliance. 
  • Crafting reusable digital experiences that are elegant, engaging, and inclusive, fostering a brand presence that makes every user feel welcome.
  • Leveraging a range of accessibility tools to benefit from their unique features, enhancing your overall performance and compliance. 
Additional Info

Presented by JAKALA & Acquia

All higher education institutions strive to make their digital resources fully accessible. But with so many users creating so much content, how can colleges and universities ensure their current and future content maintains this accessibility?

Whether you're managing accessibility on your own or as part of a larger compliance team, join us for a discussion to learn how universities are staying ahead of the curve and diligent in compliance while managing platforms with multiple authors and content streams. Considering the recent ruling announced by the Department of Justice, we will explore the unique challenges associated with accessibility, usability, and privacy compliance within higher education. We'll also discuss key metrics to measure sitewide accessibility, identify your highest-risk areas, and discover opportunities to enhance your students’ digital experience.