
From Old to Bold: Modernizing Government Website and Portals with Drupal CMS

What's Covered?

  • We'll explore key strategies for content migration, improving user experience, and ensuring your new site meets accessibility standards.
  • You’ll also see a live demonstration of the CMS in action, providing a clear picture of how it can enhance your agency’s web presence.
  •  We’ll share insights from real-world examples, helping you navigate the challenges of a website modernization project with confidence.
Additional Info

Digital is the go-to way people now want to connect with the government. More than ever, digital experiences are at the heart of how agencies get things done. Naturally, the public expects their online interactions with the government to be as smooth and sleek as their favorite apps and websites.

In this webinar, we'll guide you through the essential steps to modernize your agency's website, focusing on how to successfully transition from outdated systems to a dynamic, user-friendly platform powered by Drupal and Acquia.