
OpenEDU - A Drupal 8 Distribution to Jumpstart Higher Education Websites

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Accelerate the process of building higher-education websites

Your university is unique: it has its own history, faculty, and mascot. Its identity is everything that makes alums proud and prospective students excited to be a part of it.

As the primary means for interacting with and recruiting both students and donors, your website needs to accommodate your university’s distinct traits and needs. Still, customizing your website from the ground up is expensive.

Customize your university’s website with OpenEDU, a solution highly tuned and ready to go for higher-ed organizations - that’s still fully flexible. It enables complex relationships and dependencies between a college or university’s programs, classes, and faculty.

Join us to speak with players integral to OpenEDU: from the advisory board to its project managers and developers. You’ll leave understanding:

  • Market Research: Over 30 Acquia & ImageX higher education clients provided feedback on what they were looking for before moving to Drupal 8. Learn how this feedback shaped the project
  • Product Roadmap: Integrations, scalability and architectural approach to meeting a diverse range of organizational sizes
  • Go-to Market: How an open-source distribution generates and helps secure new business, using Acquia’s Lightning and ImageX’s OpenEDU as case studies

Speakers: Jeanna Goodrich of Trinity University, Bjorn Thomson of ImageX Media, Kevin Hu of ImageX Media, and John Kennedy of Acquia.