
Usability + Accessibility: Risks, Trends, and Data to Measure to Protect Your Business

What's Covered?

  • Common accessibility misconceptions – it impacts more than you think.
  • Legal and business implications of inaccessible and unusable digital experiences.
  • Metrics, practices, and tools to measure to improve your website.
  • Success stories and examples.
  • Intro to Whereoware's 4 Audits and Workshops to improve your digital experience - Heuristics, Usability, Accessibility, and Competitor
Additional Info

What’s really the risk of a poor website experience? When it comes to poor website usability and accessibility, you’re risking lawsuits, huge fines, frustrated customers, and lost revenue.

Hear research and recommendations from Whereoware's CEO and Senior Director of Analytics, and Acquia’s CMO,  on Accessibility and Usability data, risks, and trends.

Learn how to find your highest risk and reward opportunities to improve your digital experience.