
User-Centric DX: Personas, Journey Maps & Design

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Design is a key element of user-centricity that is often overlooked by larger organizations when it comes to driving business innovation. When executed properly and positioned appropriately within your organization, personas and journey maps can be the key to ensuring your final product is a success.

Join Acquia and global experience agency, Huge, for a one-hour webinar on strong collaboration practices between creative and technology professionals that are essential for ensuring user-centricity. Prepare for a conversation about the rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning, and how they will dramatically affect collaboration between your digital experience teams.

In this webinar, hosted by CMSWire, we will cover:

  • The future of personalization and AI
  • The solution for the disconnect between design and execution
  • How Huge utilizes user interface (UI), Experience Maps, Prototyping and Research


About CMS Wire: CMSWire is a popular web magazine published by Simpler Media Group. They focus on intelligent information management, digital customer experience management, and the emergence of social business tools and practices.