OpenAI + Acquia DAM

Enhance and automate asset management capabilities with Acquia DAM and ChatGPT together.

Use Acquia DAM with OpenAI's flagship product, ChatGPT, to automatically generate alt text descriptions, extract text from images, and translate metadata.

Developed by
navy and pink line art of two browser screens with an image highlighted on one of them and a tag attached to it that reads "Alt Text"

No Alt Text Description Left Behind

Harness Acquia's digital asset management (DAM) integration with ChatGPT for seamless alt text generation to ensure all your images are accessible and searchable.

  • Improve web accessibility of images uploaded to your DAM with auto-generated alt text
  • Optimize your images for search with automated, image-based alt text generation
  • Use image alt text across multiple locations

Search Optimized Product Descriptions

Acquia DAM with ChatGPT offers brand manufacturers, distributors, and retailers a cutting-edge solution to automate product descriptions using Generative AI.

  • Using your product attributes and keyword targets, AI generates compelling product descriptions
  • Set specific attributes like length, tone, and category, and let AI craft descriptions to choose from
  • Ensure your products are market ready faster than ever
navy and pink line art of a computer with a web page coming out of it and a magnifying glass hovering over it with a question mark in the middle
Illustration of media icons coming out of a mobile device

Translate For Regional Access

Empower global representation of your brand. Use ChatGPT to translate metadata so your regional teams can find and use on-brand content in their preferred languages.

  • Use any of ChatGPTs 80+ supported language translations
  • Translate one or multiple metadata fields, like description, alt text, or rights management
  • Improve asset discoverability across global markets

Effortless Text Extraction

Use ChatGPT to extract text included in your images so they become searchable metadata in Acquia DAM. It’s great for reading product labels, copy in digital ads, and other instances where full words are pictured.

  • Images are automatically analyzed as they are uploaded into the DAM 
  • Text is extracted and added to a metadata field, preserving line breaks and structure 
  • Backfill is available for images already in your DAM with customizable search criteria, ensuring all assets have complete metadata. 
  • Enhance content discoverability and accelerate workflows, making your digital assets market-ready faster than ever. 


Blog Series DAM

Getting Started

Your business must have their own OpenAI account for you to use the Acquia DAM and ChatGPT integration.

Already using OpenAI and Acquia DAM?

Contact your Acquia representative for more details on using them together.

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