1xINTERNET, founded 2013 is an award winning digital software agency with headquarters in Frankfurt, Germany. With 70 dedicated Drupal experts we create the best solutions for our clients, based on their needs and business goals. To secure the best results we combine digital strategy, design, web development and web analytics in all of our projects. We have developed our own open-source 1xDXP solution based on many years of experience and collaboration with our clients in hundreds of projects. This way we ensure that you get the best results in an effective way, when we focus on the technology needs and our clients focus on their brand, it's when magic happens. At 1xINTERNET every project gets its own project manager, digital solution architect and business consultant to ensure only the best results. Our CEO is the Chair of board of the Drupal Association and many of us have been active in the Drupal community for more than 10 years. 1xINTERNET has offices in Frankfurt (headquarters), Berlin, Reykjavik and Conil de la Frontera.
For a first impression, we invite you to have a look at one of our case study videos: https://1xinter.net/ZG6