Lions Clubs International
Drupal, Acquia Cloud Platform

The Client
Lions Clubs are groups of service-minded men and women who are interested in doing volunteer work to improve their communities. Their mission is to empower volunteers to serve their communities, meet humanitarian needs, encourage peace and promote international understanding through Lions Clubs. Lions meet the needs of local communities and the world. Over 1.4 million members in over 200 countries and geographic areas conduct vision, hearing and diabetes screenings, support eye hospitals, award scholarships, build parks, help youth and provide help in time of disaster.
The Situation
Following its 100th anniversary, Lions Club International sought to maximize its global impact by recruiting the next wave of volunteers, but realized that its outdated digital presence lacked the ability to effectively engage and recruit today’s modern members. They turned to Hero Digital to convert their existing myriad of sites into a cohesive, user-friendly and dynamic space that would effectively retain members' interest, support existing Lions and attract new volunteers.
The Challenge
The multitude of websites were ineffective in marketing to potential new members and in providing a community for existing members. Members wanted to share their stories but had no way to do so. The content was leading potential volunteers to overestimate the time commitment requirement to join. Existing members were eager to welcome additional volunteers but had no outlet to do so. The websites lacked the design, user experience and technology to ensure that they could deliver compelling, rich content tailored to particular types of users.
The Solution
Hero Digital repurposed Lions Club International’s rich content into a robust but seamless digital space that was tailored to different users and visitors. The Drupal site now features storytelling from clubs worldwide and provides a Service Launchpad to allow members to easily initiate and track service projects. The new design also features streamlined online donation capability, an extensive resource center for members, a “Find a Club” location search, and a unique on-brand webpage for each of the 47,000 Lion Clubs.
The Results
Lions Club International has experienced a 60% increase in overall traffic. Specifically, they saw 120% more traffic within three months of launch compared to the same time last year. There has been a 40% increase in lead generation for new members. The site is improving engagement with a 15% decrease in bounce rates on the home page and a 20% decrease in bounce rates sitewide.