Hinkle Law Firm

Monsido, powered by Acquia

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North America
95 %

reduction in quality assurance issues in a 12-month period

41 %

reduction in SEO issues in a 4-month period

The Client

Founded in 1987, Hinkle Law Firm LLC has developed a regional and national presence serving a diverse client base with advice and legal counsel. The firm maintains a business-based planning, transaction, and litigation practice that represents private and publicly held business entities, as well as individuals for whom they handle estate planning, tax issues, and other civil and criminal legal matters.

The firm has over 45 attorneys and a support staff of more than 70 people, including a number of full-time paralegals and accountants.

The Situation

Hinkle Law Firm has one main website and three microsites that are maintained by just a small two-person team consisting of Anthony Navarrete, marketing assistant, and Melissa Smith, marketing director. Together, they are in charge of all content and design elements on the company’s websites.

As an organization, Hinkle Law Firm constantly strives to maintain a website that is attractive, clean, and up to date. In addition, as a commercial law firm, a high ranking in search results is vital so that potential clients can easily find Hinkle online when searching on more generic legal terms, such as “divorce attorney” or “tax lawyer.”

The Challenge

For over five years, Hinkle was using a web governance solution that simply didn’t live up to their expectations. In short, they found the platform to not be very user-friendly, lacking in its selection of tools, and excessively costly.

The Solution

As the original solution was failing to meet their needs, Hinkle made the decision to switch to Monsido. Navarrete quickly found that Monsido offered greater functionality at a more affordable price. He now regularly checks the Monsido platform two to three times a week to stay on top of things. He also leverages Monsido's built-in weekly reporting to ensure that the website content is always fresh, accurate, and up to date. This routine has made it far easier to stay on top of Hinkle’s online content — rather than have one of the attorneys discover a broken link or misspelling

Beyond content quality, Navarrete has also used the Monsido platform to improve SEO and website traffic.

“Nobody searches for ‘Hinkle Law Firm,’ so using the Monsido SEO module helps ensure we show up in search results when someone needs a lawyer,” Navarrete explained. “I always make sure to stay on top of the suggested changes, and then I’m usually able to see the effect in the Statistics module. The same goes for when we launch a new campaign. I always use the Statistics module to track its success.”

This provides a great example of how Monsido’s modules can be used effectively together, with the SEO module recommending actions and the Statistics module checking on the impact of these actions at a later time.

In their day-to-day use of the platform, Hinkle has also found the in-tool help and live chat features to be both highly useful and extremely user-friendly. As Navarrete pointed out, ‘‘If you have a question, it’s usually answered before you get to a real person, so that’s helpful.’’

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Case Study Graphic-Hinkle Law Firm-Desktop Mockup.png

The Results

With its robust menu of modules and tools, the Monsido platform allows Hinkle to stay on top of relevant web searches and maintain a level of quality that meets their clients' high standards.

For Hinkle, Monsido has proven to be a big time-saver. In particular, quality assurance and SEO tasks have been greatly expedited by not having to address potential issues such as broken links, duplicate content, or misspellings on a page-by-page basis.

In a 12-month period, Hinkle managed to reduce their main website’s content quality assurance issues by an amazing 95.39%. Furthermore, they were able to reduce SEO issues on one of their microsites by an impressive 40.91% in just four months.

Speaking on the value of the Monsido platform, Navarrete commented, ‘‘I’d definitely say it is worth the investment. It’s saved us a lot of time and money. When compared to other platforms, it is more user-friendly and robust.’’

Hinkle typically performs a quarterly website review in which they examine the overall numbers and how the site is performing with regards to certain key metrics. The Monsido platform makes it easier to track key performance indicators, such as SEO and website traffic over time.

Moving forward, Hinkle’s main goals remain the same: to increase traffic to the website and keep the site well-maintained for their visitors. With the help of the Monsido platform, Hinkle can confidently achieve their growth targets by delivering a smooth and reliable website experience.

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