The Experience Exchange - A Taste of DXP & Wine

The Experience Exchange: A Taste of DXP & Wine

London, United Kingdom

What's Covered?

  • Join us for our final user group event of 2024 
  • Learn from other Acquia customers, straight from the horses mouth 
  • Network with peers and the Acquia team
Additional Info

Join us on 14th November 2024 at The Hoxton, Holborn, London for The Experience Exchange, an intimate and exclusive gathering where digital experiences and delightful wines come together. This event is designed to foster meaningful connections and discussions around the evolving landscape of digital accessibility and brand management.

We’d love you to stay after the tasting to continue the conversations, enjoy a drink, and build lasting connections with fellow attendees.
This event puts our customers in the limelight, and focuses on facilitating peer to peer learning rather than Acquia focused sessions. It is an opportunity to network with people in your shoes, sharing similar challenges, pressures, and hopefully solutions! Join us as we create an engaging atmosphere for exchanging ideas and experiences, both in the realm of digital strategies and over delightful wines and food.

We look forward to sharing this enriching experience with you. 

Register Now


Event Schedule

12:00-13:00: Arrival and optional lunch
We know you have a busy schedule, so join us anytime between 12:00-13:00.

13:00-13:15: Welcome and Introductions from Acquia 
We’ll set the stage for a collaborative afternoon filled with insights and shared experiences.

13:15-14:00: Customer Story 
Details of the customer speaker are TBC.

14:00-14:45: Q&A and Discussion 
Engage in a dynamic discussion on the topics covered in the previous talk.

14:45-15:15: Break 
Take a few minutes to refresh and check your emails or take some calls. Or use this time to network with your peers! Tea, coffee, cold drinks, and snacks will be available.

15:15-16:00: Customer Story 
Details of the customer speaker are TBC.

16:00-16:45: Q&A and Discussion 
Delve deeper into the shared experiences, exchanging ideas and challenges with fellow attendees.

16:45-17:00: Wrap up and Thank You from Acquia

17:00-19:00: Wine tasting experience 
Unwind with an exquisite wine tasting experience that encourages further exchanges among attendees. Enjoy a variety of selections, with non-alcoholic options available.

We will also have delicious canapés and light bites available through the evening.

19:00-21:00: Let’s party!