
Acquia and the Ocean State: An Accessibility Success Story

What's Covered?

  • How prioritizing accessibility enhances UX and unlocks new opportunities for engagement and growth
  • A range of accessibility-focused tools and best practices, drawing from Rhode Island's implementation 
  • Actionable strategies to integrate accessibility seamlessly into your digital initiatives
Additional Info

In today's digital landscape, accessibility isn't just a legal requirement, it's a strategic imperative for organizations seeking to drive engagement and foster inclusivity.

In this on-demand webinar, we delve into the success of the State of Rhode Island, a trailblazer in championing digital equality post-pandemic. Discover how they transformed their digital ecosystem to deliver accessible, performant, and human-centric experiences.

Catch up to uncover strategies for navigating the complexities of digital accessibility and positioning your organization as a leader in creating inclusive digital spaces.

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Featured Speakers

Robert Martin

Robert Martin

ETSS Digital Services Manager

State of Rhode Island