Need a Website Health Check?

Discover how your top pages are performing for web accessibility, SEO, quality assurance, and more. Acquia Optimize’s free, on-demand Quick Check Report gives valuable insights into the current health of your website and actionable optimization suggestions.



What to Expect

Acquia Optimize’s Quick Check Report scans the first 10 pages of your domain, allowing you to get an idea of how your site is performing in the top areas that impact user experience. Get a high-level overview of core aspects in minutes. 

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Free Report

Ensure Better User Experience

The website health check is your first step toward creating a better, more inclusive website experience. Get an analysis of how your web pages are performing in key areas and keep your user experience consistently exceptional.

Illustrative product UI of various metrics

Web Accessibility Check

The website health check will scan your pages according to WCAG 2.2 testing criteria, so you can see how accessible your website is for your all visitors.

illustration of product UI with analytic monitoring

Quality Assurance Check

Discover how many quality assurance issues, such as broken links and misspellings, exist on your web pages.

Product UI illustration with various states of progress

SEO Check

Find out how optimized your web pages are for search engines and if they follow best practices.



Why do you need a website health check?

When it comes to your website, guaranteeing a great user experience (UX) should be your number one priority. With a staggering 88% of internet users saying they wouldn’t return to a website with bad UX, a website health checker is an essential first step to improving your website.

The Acquia Optimize Website Quick Check gives you a snapshot of your website’s current health level, and allows you to identify your UX pain points across the first ten pages of your website. From broken links to compliance failures and much more, this website health check will show you where issues exist and how many pages are affected.

The overview provided by our site health checker serves to give you a clearer picture of what actions you should prioritize to optimize your UX. This will ultimately help you to:

Expand your potential audience - You can significantly broaden your reach by ensuring that your website is properly structured, user friendly, and relevant to your target audience.

Increase your user engagement - By ensuring your website works for all visitors, a website health check effectively increases your audiences’ opportunity to engage. Universal design benefits everyone, making it easier for users to navigate to the content they are looking for.

Improve your search engine rankings - By automatically identifying common errors like missing H1 tags, broken links, and missing images, you can stay on top of issues that negatively impact SEO ranking.

If you want a quick overview of how you can achieve all this and more, get a digital health check with Acquia Optimize today.

How long does the website health check take?

Your Quick Check Report should arrive approximately 10 minutes to one hour after you receive email confirmation that your website health check is on its way. If we run into a snag in generating your report we’ll let you know, too.

What Can You Do With Your Website Quick Check Results?

Your Quick Check results provide an understanding of how accessible and user-friendly the first ten pages of your website really are by highlighting issues that need to be addressed and identifying the specific pages where they are located.

Acquia Optimize’s website health check is a snapshot of your website’s performance. These insights allow you to assess your site’s strengths and weaknesses, and take targeted actions to ensure that you are meeting your visitor’s expectations and your own optimization goals.

Get detailed results and see how your website is performing for:

Web Accessibility - The website health check provides a detailed breakdown of web accessibility issues found on your website, showing you where they exist and what you can do to fix them.

Quality Assurance - Identify QA issues so that you can take targeted actions to ensure that you are meeting visitor expectations.

SEO - Locate and prioritize SEO issues, from major technical problems, to small content-tweaks, and improve your search engine rankings.

How can you monitor website health progress?

The website health check is only supposed to provide a snapshot of your current UX/SEO issues as it just scans the first ten pages of your site. If you are looking for a more comprehensive and on-going way to monitor your website’s health progress, try the Acquia Optimize Platform, the one-stop solution for optimizing your digital presence. With powerful Web Accessibility, SEO, Quality Assurance modules, among many more, The Acquia Optimize Platform has been developed to help you ensure that your website is user-friendly, error-free, and easy to manage.

Acquia Optimize’s industry-leading suite of tools lets you keep track of issues that could harm your organization’s reputation or your visitors’ experience. We’ll help you keep up to date with current accessibility guidelines, optimize your website’s user experience, and track your progress, all in one place.

While the results of the website health check are insightful, they represent only a very small part ofAcquia Optimize's powerful and comprehensive web governance solution. Our exhaustive library of features includes, for example, the ability to monitor your site’s health in real-time, tracking your progress and ensuring that you are meeting your targets.

If you want to get more traffic and ensure a better UX for your visitors today, look no further.