Stallion Infrastructure Services

Drupal, Acquia Cloud Platform, Acquia Personalization, Acquia Site Studio

Visit Stallion Infrastructure Services Website
Asset reference
Engage Award Winner
North America
57 %

improvement in conversion rate

31 %

increase in direct traffic

23 %

conversions driven by personalized content

The Client

Stallion Infrastructure Services, Ltd. is a multi-industry leader providing security, comfort, and connectivity from a single provider from over 30 U.S. locations. The company provides a streamlined procurement process for temporary infrastructure that includes everything from sustainable power and lighting to communications and satellite networking, as well as workforce housing and temporary office accommodations and sanitation solutions. 

The Situation

Stallion Infrastructure Services was evolving from a traditional oilfield services company to an infrastructure services company that targeted a broader range of industries. In 2023, Stallion Oilfield Services became Stallion Infrastructure Services and sought to unite three distinct subsidiaries — Stallion Oilfield Services, StallionRents, and STARCOMM — under one website and brand identity.  

The Challenge

Stallion faced the unique challenge of creating a website that marketed a wide range of services to a wide range of customers and industries all in one place. Its goal was twofold: to generate brand awareness and offer a streamlined user experience that allowed customers to easily find what they were looking for, complete their transactions, or get information. To accomplish this, Stallion wanted to develop an integrated website with a customer portal where they could solicit quotes and rent products.

But, consolidating three separate subsidiary companies into one website and one identity presented challenges. Before rebranding, the company had three different websites that were all hosted and maintained separately. It needed a platform and hosting platform that could unite the three subsidiaries in one place and meet their specific requirements for security, performance, functionality, and features. It also needed to provide a simplified and consistent experience for every user, independent of their business segment, via personalization.

The Solution

Partnering with Adcetera, the teams underwent a rebranding process before site development even began, leveraging elements of an existing brand to develop thorough brand guidelines. Adcetera also worked closely with Stallion’s marketing and IT teams to understand the processes and security requirements that the company would need, as well as their expectations for speed, responsiveness, and user experience.

Once Stallion and Adcetera developed a mature brand identity that was ready to launch in-market, Adcetera began site mapping, wireframing, writing content, and designing custom components that best communicated the new brand identity and helped the company achieve its objectives. 

To target different segments via personalization, the teams mapped all business audiences and assigned triggers to moments and sections where personalization could occur. They developed content variations for every business segment, matching the user’s intent during the customer journey.

The Results

Stallion’s new website launch supported its public “new brand” announcement and became a hub where salespeople, stakeholders, and customers could find product portfolios and understand the breadth of services. 

Stallion achieved its objective of expanding services beyond the oil and gas and construction industries. The company successfully positioned itself as a turnkey service provider for 13 core industries and has gained brand recognition and market share against competitors. 

With its new site, Stallion also accessed enhanced analytics and performance metrics that have helped it identify valuable industries and grow customer bases and product lines.  

Metrics indicate that Stallion’s new website is a success. Year-over-year metrics include:

  • Direct traffic increased 30.5% 
  • Although it’s using a new domain, the new website reached similar organic traffic levels with 90 days of launch
  • The new website is converting users into leads at a rate of 2.32%, a 57% improvement 

Additionally, personalization successes include: 

  • Established seven segments representing the main business lines, with six websites’ sections changing content dynamically based on user behavior and paid search data 
  • The conversion rate for users seeing personalized content is 7.75%, 3X higher than the overall rate for the website
  • Users seeing personalized content represented 7.8% of total website users but 22.7% of conversions

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