
Data automation and connectivity for listing your products everywhere your customers shop.

stylized product UI showing various filters and trading partners such as Amazon, EBay, and Groupon
stylized product UI showing various filters and trading partners such as Amazon, EBay, and Groupon
stylized product UI showing various filters and trading partners such as Amazon, EBay, and Groupon

Sell on More Channels, Faster

Transform Product Data With Ease

Acquia Syndicate pulls product data from Acquia PIM, Acquia DAM, and any other enterprise sources, allowing you to transform it for each channel’s unique requirements.

Use Cases

Unlock E-Commerce Opportunities

Stylized product UI showing various trading partners like Amazon, Groupon, Big Commerce, and EBay

Expand E-Commerce Reach

Sell everywhere you want with a more efficient approach to data quality and onboarding. Easily add new trading partners using a vast and growing network of pre-built connections.

Stylized product UI identifying Amazon as the vendor while showing product and filter lists

Improve Customer Experience

Deliver high quality product content that’s connected to inventory so customers can find and purchase your products wherever they shop. Use real time previews for product submissions.

Stylized product UI showing options for syndication method and a catalog of products

Speed Up Syndication Process

Eliminate manually intensive data processes and use one-click distribution. Implement API connectivity to speed up the product data syndication process.

Stylized product UI showing a side nav with a list of various input fields

Keep Products Listed

Don’t worry about changing destination requirements. Acquia Syndicate maintains outbound mapping changes as channels adjust their templates.


Endless Capabilities for Your Team

Database icon


Catch data issues before submitting to retailers

illustration of an image

Image transformation

Automate image matching, renaming, and resizing

computer status icon

Data monitoring

Enforce data standards and listing requirements

bell icon

Dynamic Schema

Add new destinations and categories in minutes

3 rings inside of eachother

Auto Mapping

AI-powered suggestions that constantly improve

Web table icon

Mapping Inheritance

Cut down on effort duplication across templates

settings icon

Channel Overrides

Use the same mapping features for all destinations

Megaphone Icon

150+ Formats

Connect to over 150 retailers and major marketplaces


More Add Ons to Enhance Acquia DAM


Unify product content for faster distribution

Explore Entries


Organize, transform, and share media files

Explore Assets


Create and share digital product catalogs

Explore Portals

Pradco Outdoor Brands

See how PRADCO Outdoor Brands uses Acquia PIM to manage product content across e-commerce channels.